Spilt Milk
An annual touring music festival in Canberra, Ballarat the Gold Coast and Perth. This festival is targeted at an under 30’s demographic with multiple stages and an indie rock/ pop music offering.

What we did
Security & Crowd Management
The Security & Crowd Management planning over saw the 40,000 person events and their protocols that would ensure the patron safety and event integrity.
Project Planning
Reddawn was responsible for developing the; Security and CrowdManagement Plan, Emergency Management Plan, Risk Assessment, Security Roster and Sign On/Off, Deployment Maps and Post Event Report.
Services Implimented
Our Services included Security, Crowd Safety, Access Control, Way finding Staff, RSA Officers & Safety Officers. Providing 330 staff for each event day, in addition to bump in/out staffing.
Touring Teams
This was a multi-state touring event, which Reddawn ran two touring teams for. Consisting of a lead team (for bump in) and an event specialist team. This was in addition to the local state staffing.
Streamlined Solutions
We delivered on budget for the event and created the most cost-effective solutions for our client by providing staffing nationally. National operations also meant that Standard Operating Procedures were uniformed across sites.Creating clear communications and protocols for sites.
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The result
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