7 Events in 1 Weekend!

October 17, 2023
7 Events in 1 Weekend!

It was a huge long-weekend for the Reddawn Team! Reddawn completed 7 major shows and community events over the 3-day span including the Deni Ute muster, Wanderer Festival, Knockout Circus, Heaps Gay 10th Birthday, Off Ya Rails, Throttle Roll and Skrillex at Finn’s Beach Club.

This involved the careful curation of over 700 operatives across NSW. With each team supported individually in its leadership, administration and management; whilst still tying into the network of management used across the multi-site weekend.

Reddawn had zero compliance or operational issues and worked smoothly alongside the venues, NSW Police and Event Managers to create successful experiences for our audiences.

We thank all our team members on this mammoth achievement, from our crowd safety to security and crowd managers. You all played your parts in the machine that is Reddawn to achieve this level of excellence in event delivery.

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A holistic and tailored approach to risk management

Reddawn | Security & Risk Management Services